Alternative Treatments

For me, there was no question – chemotherapy was the only answer. After a lot of advice from medical professionals and thorough research, looking at studies, statistics and information, it was obvious chemotherapy offered me the best chances of survival. Despite the scare stories you hear and gruesome facts regarding chemotherapy, I feel conventional medicine is the safest and most reassuring choice.

This doesn’t mean I haven’t studies alternative therapies, I feel there are some interesting options out there, although there isn’t sufficient evidence these alternative options work. Finding someone that will administer these treatments is not easy and some of them are only done overseas. Everybody is different with different views and are entitled to make their own choices when it comes to the treatment they decide to have.

Here are some examples of alternative medicines:

Ozone/Oxygen Therapy

There are different types of Ozone/oxygen therapy; Put simply, Ozone therapy involves taking a pint of blood from the body, gently mixing oxygen to this blood then putting it back into the body. This is because cancer cells die when exposed to oxygen but, as with all alternative treatments, there is no solid evidence this treatment will work. On the plus side, studies do say the ozone/oxygen treatment will not have a negative impact on your health, even if it isn’t successful.

High Dose Vitamin C

This alternative has been around since the 70s and some believe it offers better quality of life when fighting cancer although it is amongst one of the less reliable therapies. The vitamin C is usually ingested (as it is more potent when taken orally) but it can be administered directly to the blood. It is thought that vitamin C can be broken down easily within the body and makes hydrogen peroxide that can break down DNA and damage tissues.

Gerson Diet/Therapy

The Gerson diet is designed to strengthen the immune system ultimately restoring the body to it’s optimum state. It is believed cancer patients have high levels of salt in the body compared to the amount of potassium and by consuming high volumes of fruit and vegetables the liver will be cleansed and the body rid of all toxins present. Although a patient may have a more positive mental state and feel more relaxed after visiting a Gerson institute, there is still no sufficient evidence it has an impact on the cancer.


A completely natural alternative, hydrotherapy involved submersing the body in warm water – it is thought that the heat improves blood circulation resulting in a decrease in the body’s toxins amongst other claimed benefits. Although this option may help improve patients mental state and possibly offer relaxation, like all the alternatives mentioned, there is no evidence this actually offers a cure for cancer.

These are just a few examples of alternative treatments available, there are countless other options and information on all the mentioned treatments is available online. This post is not intended to sway you one way or the other, whether you feel conventional medicine is better or alternative therapies, there is no right or wrong answer. This is just to inform of the different options out there and how varied the treatments for cancer are.

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